GSH Plaza (former Equity Plaza) delivers preeminent advantages to all potential investors not only via its prime location in the heart of Central Business District - but also via futuristically planned architecture of its - the facade with malleable steel and glass panels shimmering to be in line with the wise floor plans for office space.
As GSH Chief Executive Gilbert Ee, the investment to upgrade the quality, facade as well as floor plans of the building will help the group position substantial value from the acquisition in the upcoming future.
In the future, the CBD Singapore is expected to welcome a high influx of international companies as well as banks, especially Multinational corporation (MNCs) that results in amazing opportunities for investment. In addition, in this prime central region, only commercial landlords ( CDL, Far East, Keppel, etc.) and corporations (DBS, UOB, OCBC, Maybank, etc.) can own and mange Office Towers, there is a considerable limitation on the supply of strata-titled commercial office development like GSH Plaza.
USP of GSH Plaza
- No ABSD (Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty)
- No SSD (Seller’s Stamp Duty)
- Operating company – No TDSR (Total Debt Servicing Ratio)
- Foreigners Eligible
- Potential Capital Appreciation and high Rental Yield for buyers or investors
- Foreigners Eligible
- Indicative Pricing: $2900 - $3400 PSF.
- List price 8% early bird dis. Quoted price already net.
- Bulk purchasers extra (2nd units) 9% discount.
GSH Plaza Floor Plans for office use
Corporates have inclined to move into newer buildings offering the better space efficiency due to larger floor plates. With the neighborhood of office building old surrounding, the refurbishment of GSH Plaza that are in motion with offices floor plans available for selection and reconfiguration will draw the attention of some BIG NAMES.

Office units of GSH Plaza range from sizes of 480 sq ft to 1,700 sq ft and are moved at the price between S$2,850 to S$3,500 per square foot. There are 10 units per floor. Access to office area (3rd storey and above) will be restricted by security gantries at Main Lobby (1st Storey).
Each floor will have 2 common toilets. In addition, selected units are provided with their en-suite toilets. No false ceiling will be provided in the units. In addition, there is no raised flooring, unit floors will be finished with cement screed.
The office units can be purchased for both investment and for own use. As such, anyone is eligible to buy the office units. There are no restrictions to foreign ownership. Purchaser of entire floor is entitled to an additional 2% discount.
There is a single carpark entrance and exit. Access and egress to this carpark will be from Malacca Street. There is a total of 86 carpark lots (with 3 handicap lots) over 3 levels of basement carparks. Upon TOP, tenants have to apply to the Management Office for parking spaces. Parking spaces will be allocated based on balloting, or other arrangement as determined by the MCST.
Basement lift lobbies will be controlled via card access. CCTV is provided at main lift lobbies and the common corridors. Visitors are required to approach the security at the main lobby to access to the building.
The building is also handicapped-friendly. It has been designed to comply with the codes set by the relevant authorities for accessibility.
In the recent launch of GSH Plaza, the tower draws a strong interest from both local buyers and foreigners. 60 out of 100 strata office launched in the first phase units sold out in a short time.
Just take an overlook on GSH Plaza Floor Plans to find out the ideal occupation in the world-class location for your company